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This page is an important client page as it will help give you important information, answer frequently asked questions and provide a place to log into the client payment platform (Reliatrax). If you have any questions please reach out through the 'Contact" page.



Balances MUST stay below $75, any balances above this limit are subject to being discharged.

Vouchers from your probation officer are generally only valid for 30-60 days (1 to 2 months).

  • Do you need financial assistance? Please contact your probation officer

  • Don't procrastinate, attend classes while the voucher is active

If at any point the client is discharged from services, they must pay any past due balance in addition to a re-enrollment fee ($30) to return to services.

Any clients attending for an out of state charge (any other state besides CO) must complete an Out of State Evaluation and the Interstate Compact paperwork and be approved before starting classes. The Interstate Compact Unit is very backed up, if at all possible return to the state requiring your classes. If this is not possible we cannot proceed until your finger prints are on a RED card from a Sherriff or Police Station.

If you cannot attend your classes due to illness, unexpected family crisis, transportation issues etc., please let us know.

  • We do receive texts at 970-945-7858!


Affidavits of Enrollment will not be issued until the client completes their second class.

  • Ask your counselor or an office member to upload the form to your client portal.

Discharges will be available up to 10 business days after their final session has been attended.

  • Be sure all balances and other issues are addressed before your final class

Clients cannot attend at two different agencies at the same time. Only exception is DUI Level 2 4+ clients.

All clients must submit their DRS to the DMV. We cannot do this for you, they will not accept the document. Here is the website

Clients can only attend one DUI Level 2 Education or DUI Level 2 Therapy class per week.

Clients must complete DUI Level 2 Education before they can attend DUI Level 2 Therapy, they cannot be attended at the same time to finish required classes faster.

All balances must be zero before transferring from DUI Level 2 Education to DUI Level 2 Therapy.

Substance Use Individuals cannot count towards DUI Level 2 Education classes, they can count towards DUI Level 2 Therapy classes. 

If you are transferring from another agency, we must receive your DRS from that agency before you can attend with us.

Credit for hours attended at rehab or other substance use facilities may be eligible for credit towards DUI Level 2 Therapy sessions. Credit is not guaranteed. Clients will still have to wait until the proper amount of time has lapsed to graduate successfully.

Evaluations for Level II 4+ (four or more DUI's) that are done before the client has been sentenced to it, will cost $500.


All evaluations will need to be paid for before the appointment date.

  • Payment plans are available. Please contact the billing department 970-945-7858 

  • If you are eligble for voucher funding, the voucher must be received before the appointment. If you need financial assistance please contact your probation officer

After completing your DV Evaluation, you have two weeks to get into classes as well as start your second clinical contacts

  • It is best to start DV classes and second clinical contacts at the same time immediately following the evaluation.

Clients cannot graduate from DV Classes without a zero balance and completion of their second clinical contacts.


If you have received your client portal link, please pay on your client portal (this updates your account instantly!)

  • Here is the link:

  • Here is what you do:

1. Click 'PAY NOW' button

2. When asked for the Balance Due, enter in the dollar amount

Other payment methods



© 2024 Alpine Springs Counseling

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